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YOUR TRUSTED LUXURY GOODS MARKETPLACE Luxehouze is the leading luxury goods marketplace that specializes in authentic high-end watches & leather goods.
To be the world's leading platform for all things luxury-related
To create a safe and transparent platform, while providing superior end-to-end customer experience
100% AUTHENTIC All the goods listed on our platform have been authenticated by our team of experts. In the unlikely event that you find it to be inauthentic, we'll refund 100% of its price.
Best Price Guarantee Every transaction at Luxehouze is protected by our Best Price Program! Should you receive a better price elsewhere, we will beat it*!
*T&Cs apply.
A Wide Collection Of Brands We offer a wide collection of luxury goods from the world's finest brands, from the most popular and sought-after names to rare and niche labels.
WHAT WE OFFER Whether you're a buyer or a seller, we ensure you get the best shopping experience through our five-star services.
CONSIGNMENT SERVICE Consign your luxury item with us. Enjoy competitive consignment fees and get access to our extensive list of global clientele and promotion channels.
DIRECT SELLING SERVICE We directly purchase your luxury item. Sell your luxury items through a fast process, get the best offering price, and enjoy instant payment.
TRADE-IN SERVICE Trade-in your old luxury item with a new one. Sell your old piece at the best price, pay the difference, and bring home your new luxury item.
CONCIERGE SERVICE Getting your dream luxury items is now easier than ever. From a highly in-demand item to the rarest piece, we'll find it for you. Pre-order now through our Concierge Service.
PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE From shopping in the comfort of your home to getting your item delivered to your doorstep, the choices are yours. Just let us know how we can help you.
INTEGRITY We live in accordance with our deepest values, always ensuring an alignment between what we do and say.
TEAMWORK Our company values people relationships. Whether it is with other businesses or within our own family, we aim to build trust with anyone.
OWNERSHIP Every employee is the owner of the company. Each takes meaningful actions to bring positive results.
LEARNING AND IMPROVEMENT All of us continuously grow and develop new things to improve our business mindset, both as individuals and as a company.
CUSTOMER OBSESSION We always listen to our customers’ voices to be able to keep improving our services and delivering five-star customer experience.
Authenticity Guarantee
We guarantee that all luxury goods being sold through our platform are 100% authentic through rigorous multi-step verification and authentication processes done by our team of experts. Learn More About Our Authenticity Guarantee

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Luxehouze is the leading luxury goods marketplace that specializes in authentic high-end watches, leather goods, and beauty products